There are several benefits of installing Synthetic Turf’s® artificial grass products on residential and commercial properties. As artificial grass technology improves and expands, the look, feel and experience continues to improve.
Gorgeous Green Synthetic Grass
One of the greatest benefits of installing Synthetic Turf® products is how easy it is to maintain gorgeous green grass. The maintenance packages we offer are completely optional and purely for aesthetics.
While residential properties typically require minimal to zero regular maintenance, commercial uses, such as golf courses, require a bit more care for optimal use.
With the spring season on the horizon, it’s time to consider the state of your golf course turf. For the best golfing experience, replace it after winter.
The Benefits of Synthetic Turf® EZ Tee Product Line on Your Golf Course
Throughout the golfing season, golf courses experience a lot of use, which wears Tee Lines and Hitting Mats down. Similarly, snow, ice and the winter conditions cause golf course turfs to lose its feel and look.
Synthetic Turf® offers two tee line and hitting mat surfaces to give your golfers and golf course the ultimate look and feel. The EZ Tee Poly® is made from polypropylene. This allows for a stiffer fiber which is ideal for heavy traffic Tee Lines.
EZ Tee Hybrid® our other top end Tee Line and Hitting Mat turf. Polypropylene and nylon blend allows for a fuller fiber with soft feel through impact.
Both EZ Tee Poly® and EZ Tee Hybrid® are used by several elite golf courses through the US and Canada. Neither product replaces real grass, but it gives grass time to heal properly and can be installed on a compacted aggregate base or on concrete. Concrete will extend the life of these turfs.
Contact us today to experience a greener world and optimal golfing experience with Synthetic Turf International®