Fake-looking artificial turf is gone, and high-quality synthetic turf is in. However, with so many options available how do you pick the right one for your home project? We break down how to choose artificial grass for your home and the benefits of each. 

How to Choose Artificial Grass: Using Landscape Fake Grass 

One of the most popular choices for home projects is landscape artificial grass and with good reason. Out of the options available, it’s the most visually impressive on lawns and you’d have to look hard to notice whether it’s actually synthetic. There are tons of options available for many different types of grass looks and blade shapes for whatever need you have. 

It’s also designed to easily drain water, so even in heavy rain mildew isn’t a common concern you’ll have to deal with. 

Kitten and boot on artificial grassPet Turf 

You don’t have to worry about your pet on synthetic turf, it is safe for them to roll and play around on. Plus, it’s non-toxic so even if your pet nibbles a few blades they’ll be okay. 

Obviously, this is the best choice if you have pets, but don’t think that just because the turf is tougher to deal with wear from your furry friend it’s any less attractive to look at. There are plenty of aesthetically-pleasing options to choose from. 

Some synthetic turf like SoftLawn Pet Turf is even designed to be soft and easier to walk on for pets with joint pain.  

Playground Turf 

Kids play hard, so you might want some fake grass that’s specially designed to handle rough and tumble play. Crafted to cushion landings and falls, playground turf also only requires minimal maintenance to keep up. Just keep in mind you’ll need to account for the highest point your kids could fall from so they have the proper padding.  

There are plenty more options for artificial turf to choose from for other needs—we’ve only named a few to consider for your projects. There are synthetic turf options for everything from putting greens to indoor gyms to make use of. Whatever you choose, just make sure to get high-quality artificial grass so you can make you of it for a long time to come. 



Browse our wide selection of synthetic turf available by clicking the link here! 


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